It's a train wreck.
i've heard both.
i dunno.
which one is it?.
It's a train wreck.
i am an inactive jw.
i havent been on this forum for a few months and have been lurking in others.
i have met a few people in real life and online, both on this forum and on others.
Satanus, you might be right. What happened with Nathan Natus, and more recently with Slimboyfat was an eye opener. To be fair though, maybe he really is a sensitive soul, or maybe............. I don't even want to think it and damn sure dont want to throw that accusation out there, but..... wow. I don't agree with Moshe on much, and really dont like him but he's on point this time in my eyes.
went to the weeknight meeting this week for the first time in a long while.
the study was all about how having children was ill-advised in this time of the end- the comments dwelled on what a burden children are, how you can spend more time in the ministry without children, and look what they did in jerusalem- they cannabilized their own children!
it's going to be so horrible to watch our children suffer during the great tribulation!
Cobalt, while its true Jesus loved kids, he did give fair warning to those planning on having kids, and those with kids living during the time of the end. To be fair to Paul, he was speaking from the perspective of a missionary who's sole outlook in life was preachings. He stated that his outlook was his own too, unfortunately groups like the WT insinuate that Paul's outlook was tantamount to law and his letters get abused as evidenced by this week's congregation bible study.
i am an inactive jw.
i havent been on this forum for a few months and have been lurking in others.
i have met a few people in real life and online, both on this forum and on others.
"Hehe.....Looks like I've won again even though I'm dead. I told you apostate fools before, this is chess not checkers. Muah-ha-ha!"
Not really tryin to be funny or anything but that's the reality. Ironically, plenty of posters here on JWN stated Facebook would play a significant role counteracting the WT's policies. Who would have thought it would also benefit the WT. Gotta love it. Jehovah removed the wheels from AAWA's chariot, well not really, but you get the point. .
we all know that the governing body are playing a dangerous game with peoples lives.
getting people to devote their lives to the cause of the of the watchtower corporation and then finding out it was all a lie/delusion only to be even more mistreated by them if speak out about it.. i think it is a very dangerous situation they are in even right there at bethel, and here is why:.
as knowledge increases about the lies and underhandedness of the governing body and their cruel policies,, more and more people are begining to hate the governing body, the more likely that someone in their midst "going postal"( i think the likelihood increases as the cruelty of the governing body increases.
Surprised nothing of that nature has happened yet myself. Not saying it's overdue either, as I wouldn't want to see something like that happen as most JWs, Bethelites, and I'm sure even some WT Heavyweights & GB are ok people, just hopelessly set in their belief system. Forgive them for they know not, although quite a few do know, and if something did happen, well.........shrugs shoulders........
for a long time, samantha fountain had one missionfigure out a way to allow women to pee like men.
what she came up with may give you the giggles.
For a long time, Samantha Fountain had one mission—figure out a way to allow women to pee like men. What she came up with may give you the giggles. But the plastic horn-shaped device, dubbed a “SheWee,” has become a hot commodity for ladies looking for a mess-free way to use the bathroom standing up. In fact, Fountain has turned her idea into an international business.
The device is easy to use (though the website suggests practicing in the shower first). And Fountain says it appeals to more than just the germ-o-phobe who’d rather avoid coming in contact with public toilets. England’s National Health System gives SheWees to patients who would otherwise use a bedpan. And the country’s army supplies them to female soldiers in the field.
“It struck me how much easier it was for a guy to go to the toilet in a place where there were no facilities or nowhere to squat behind,” Fountain wrote in an email. “So I came up with a way of effectively urinating like a man.”
The idea for the SheWee came to Fountain while she was pursuing a product design degree at De Montfort University. A professor asked her class to figure out how to improve public toilet facilities. Immediately, Fountain knew she wanted to make it easier for women to avoid touching a toilet. But her first idea—designing retractable seats that could be washed after every use—proved a bit impractical.
She kept brainstorming, and eventually built the first-ever SheWee out of plywood. Her professors were impressed, and encouraged her to refine her prototype. In 1999, Fountain received a fellowship to work on her design with plastic manufacturers. She also began working with a family friend (and businessman) to create a business plan and find backers. And Fountain’s parents lent their support in the form of a room in their house to serve as her home office.
But the encouragement was mixed with sniggers and doubts. She got “few laughs and some disgusted men or women who were simply embarrassed by the design,” Fountain wrote in an email. The most public giggler was Theo Paphitis, a judge on Dragons’ Den, a British television show that invites entrepreneurs to pitch their ideas to a panel of wealthy judges. The winners receive investments, and losers leave with nothing.
Paphitis laughed throughout her entire presentation, and Fountain didn’t win any start-up money. Still, she looked on the bright side. “Most people who made rude comments are those who go on to shout [and] laugh about Shewee (negative or positive) to others—so it always helps our publicity,” she wrote in an email.
Despite that setback, Fountain continued on. She left her day job to focus on the SheWee fulltime in January 2005. A year later she received an award from the British Female Inventors and Innovators Network (see photo above). By 2007, she had left her parent’s home and opened her own office. She now has 10 employees, a worldwide customer base, and a spot on the shelf of dozens of retail outlets. The Shewee is also sold on a plethora of websites which serve athletes and adventurers. Among the clientele are female mountain climbers, campers, rescue workers, and marathon athletes.
What kept her going through the toughest times? “The emails and support from people who buy Shewee and the fact that magazines were raving about the product,” Fountain wrote in an email. It seems those are in no danger of slowing down any time soon. [The SheWee is being sold now on Amazon for $12.50.]
Dude with the white cap does look like mighty suspect, although the Unabomber looking guy looks suspect too. Looking at the pictures I can sense my own prejedices going haywire. Dude with cap looks middle eastern , and he looked like he was suspiciously communicating with another middle easterner in a blue jacket..........yep had to have been an A-Rab. On the other hand, the white guy that looks like a cleaned up Ted Kaczinski is by himself and his bookbag looks like one of the ones shredded later on..........yep had to have been a crazed right winger!! Plus there was a pretty lil mamacita in front of him in one of the pictures that I wish there was a better image of. sighhhhhhh
That site jams my PC btw, have to look at it all later. Gonna be interesting to see how this all plays out.
you know those articles from the wt are coming, along with emails from jw friends and family.
all the shameless self-attaboys, and fictitious observations by non-jws remarking on how jws provided the most and best assistance to the victims..
Has this always been on the JW News site, or is it something new? The date shows 4/15/2013. I'm thinking they posted this in response to what happened in Boston.
In times of need, Jehovah’s Witnesses provide assistance to fellow believers and others. They do so as an expression of love, an identifying mark of true Christians.—John 13:35.
What follows is a partial list of the help given over a 12-month period ending in mid-2012. The list does not include the spiritual and emotional care that always accompanies our efforts. Disaster Relief Committees appointed by our branch offices organized much of the assistance. In addition, local congregations regularly shared in the help given.
They list a bunch of countries that they've participated in giving assistance to those affected by tragedies.
you know those articles from the wt are coming, along with emails from jw friends and family.
all the shameless self-attaboys, and fictitious observations by non-jws remarking on how jws provided the most and best assistance to the victims..
I was thinking earlier, what if someone created a phony account of some outragous story about JWs providing assistance during the aftermath of this tragedy, and then posted it on Facebook just to see how many JWs would run with it?